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Beautiful pictures! I've seen the Daibutsu (on a sunny day!) but none of the other locations. I'll make a point of seeing them next time.


What a lovely posts! Thanks for the gorgeous photographs.



GORGEOUS photos!!!!! I remember so many of the sights and some new ones , too... Thank you, thank you!!!! I was surprised to see you "on the road" again so soon...tee hee... Glad you had a good time.

marya's mom

Wonoderful pictures!!! I've been to Kamakuram, but never visited these beautiful temples...

Activituis by the Group seems interesting! I enjoyed (sometimes scared )rafting so much when I was in CA. It's really fun!! I wish I could join you..


Wow! Looks like it was a full day! I had never heard of Tokyo Gaijins before...hmm...might have to check out their upcoming activities.


Thanks! I had a great time and have vowed to go again soon. Kamakura is a lovely place and really changes each season, so I don't think I could ever get tired of the place.

Marya's Mom, you tried rafting in California? Wow! I'm scared too, as I've never done it before. Maybe you can give me some tips...

Drh, it was fun. You pay more for their trips and activities than you would if you did it by yourself, but it's fun to do stuff with a group sometimes. And if you're as terrible at organizing this kind of thing as I am, it's nice to have someone else do it.


On the day I visited Kamakura, there was an exhibition of flowers, mostly dahlias within the temple premises. It made the complex look like heaven


Sounds lovely! Don't you just love it when you stumble on something unexpected like that?

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